School of ScienceEmbedded Computing Systems


Papasiopoulou 2-4, Lamia
+30 22310 66723
I am an Associate Professor, Researcher and Innovator on System's Architecture and Embedded Systems. Welcome to my Personal and Academic profile



I was born in Lamia city, Greece. I hold a Diploma (1998) and a PhD (2004) in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, and an MBA (2015) form Cyprus Open University. I am currently an Associate Professor at the University of Thessaly, holding the position for “Embedded Computing Systems” at the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, where I also serve as the Head of the Department. I am also the Head of Intelligent Systems Laboratory-ISL, member of the Research and Innovation Regional Committee for the Region of Central Greece (and past Chair) and the past Deputy Chairman of National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET). In parallel to my academic career, I have served as a Director for Strategic Development of the Patras Science Park (2007-2008), as a tutor and auditor of the educational material of the Hellenic Open University, and IT expert for the Region of Western Greece and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Greek Government (2007-2008).

My research interests are focused on Computer and Embedded Systems Architecture, VLSI Circuits & Systems Design, Low-power Design and/or Design-for-Test, and Design of Hardware Accelerators for a variety of applications (e.g. image processing, cryptography, medical devices, etc.). Furthermore, I am active in Internet of Things, Cybersecurty and SmartCity/Smart Home research on Hardware. As a researcher, I have participated in more than 25 research projects funded by EU and the Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology. I have published more than 140 articles in international journals and conference proceedings. My research has received more than 1200 citations. I am also the co-author of 7 chapters in technical books.

I am a Member of IEEE (S’98-M’04-SM’12) since 2004 (student 1998, Senior Member since 2012), of IET (2000-2016) and Senior Member of ACM. I am a reviewer in 10 magazines and journals and a permanent reviewer to more than 10 conferences. I am elected as the Editor-in-Chief (2024) of the IEEE Potentials magazine. I have been a member of the Organizing Committee and the TPCs of numerous IEEE conferences. I am a judge in WRO Hellas, Open Robotics Contest, and the founder of creative team A2rTEST. I am also in the organizing committee of TEDxLamia, Central Hackathon, CrowdHackathon and I have served as Mentor for various creative teams in Contests and Hackathons. My research has received 3 international awards and 4 national awards. During 2008-2016 and 2023, I served as the delegate of Greece at the IEEE Region 8 Committee



I am a mentor, having formed two creative teams in the past (at the University of Patras and at the TEI of Ionian Islands). I now run one new team, namely A2rTEST, of more than 50 students (undergraduates and graduates).

I lead two research projects (+300k EUR) and one grant from IEEE EPICS (10k USD),

I have published 80 articles in international journals and conference proceedings. My research has received more than 680 citations. I am also the co-author of 4 chapters in technical books.

I have served on the Editorial Board of IEEE Potentials, and I was responsible for the editorial of a special issue for IoT Trends, Threats, Opportunities and Challenges.



I like basketball, playing and also watching my favorite team Panathinaikos. I also like Judo and running.

Besides sports, I like good films and going to the cinema with friends and my beloved wife Angie. I also like traveling abroad, having visited more than 40 countries. I like rock, hard rock, and metal music, but I like also hearing to melodies and ballads.



  • 1999



    Design of low-power fault-secure systems
  • 2009



    Clusters' influence to Regional Development
  • 1992



  • 2016



    Computer Architecture
  • 2012



    Embedded Computing Systems Architectures
  • 2007



    Manager for HR, Research and Development
  • 2002



    • Award from EUROPRACTICE for the research results of COSAFE #28593 "Low Power Hardware-Software Co-Design for Safety-Critical Applications", after a European Design Contest, which took place in the bounds of Design Automation and Testing in Europe (DATE) Conference, 4-8 March 2003, Paris, France.


11 Feb 2025

Home Supporting Smart Systems for elderly people

Chapter in Convergence of ICT and Smart Devices for Emerging Application for Human Beings”, editors Sara Paiva and Suman Paul, 2020, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing, pp. , 2020.

Book Chapters E. Boumpa and A. Kakarountas

Home Supporting Smart Systems for elderly people

E. Boumpa and A. Kakarountas
Book Chapters
About The Publication

Chapter in Convergence of ICT and Smart Devices for Emerging Application for Human Beings”, editors Sara Paiva and Suman Paul, 2020, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing, pp. , 2020.

01 Jul 2019

Technological Memory Aids for Neurodegenerative Diseases and the AuDi-o-Mentia Approach

Eleni Boumpa, A.P. Kakarountas, “Technological Memory Aids for Neurodegenerative Diseases and the AuDi-o-Mentia Approach”, in ERCIM News, v. 118, pp. 40–41, July 2019.

Technical Magazine Selected Eleni Boumpa, A.P. Kakarountas

Technological Memory Aids for Neurodegenerative Diseases and the AuDi-o-Mentia Approach

Eleni Boumpa, A.P. Kakarountas
Technical Magazine Selected
About The Publication

Eleni Boumpa, A.P. Kakarountas, “Technological Memory Aids for Neurodegenerative Diseases and the AuDi-o-Mentia Approach”, in ERCIM News, v. 118, pp. 40–41, July 2019.

28 Nov 2019

Multi-Screen Lock: Visual Passwords from User’s Social Data

V. Tsoukas, A. Gkogkidis, A. Kakarountas and G. Giannakas, “Multi-Screen Lock: Visual Passwords from User's Social Data”, in Proc. of the 23rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2019), Nicosia, Cyprus, pp. 90-95, 28-30 November 2019.

Conferences Selected V. Tsoukas, A. Gkogkidis, A. Kakarountas and G. Giannakas

Multi-Screen Lock: Visual Passwords from User’s Social Data

V. Tsoukas, A. Gkogkidis, A. Kakarountas and G. Giannakas
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

V. Tsoukas, A. Gkogkidis, A. Kakarountas and G. Giannakas, “Multi-Screen Lock: Visual Passwords from User’s Social Data”, in Proc. of the 23rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2019), Nicosia, Cyprus, pp. 90-95, 28-30 November 2019.

15 Nov 2019

Smart system for supporting the elderly in home environment

E. Boumpa, A. Kakarountas, “Smart system for supporting the elderly in home environment”, to appear in Proc. of the 8th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Mobihealth 2019, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, pp. , 14-15 November 2019.

Conferences Selected E. Boumpa, A. Kakarountas

Smart system for supporting the elderly in home environment

E. Boumpa, A. Kakarountas
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

E. Boumpa, A. Kakarountas, “Smart system for supporting the elderly in home environment”, to appear in Proc. of the 8th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Mobihealth 2019, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, pp. , 14-15 November 2019.

08 Nov 2019

Exploration Study on Configurable Instruction Set for Bioinformatics’ Applications

A. Gkogkidis, A. Kakarountas, “Exploration Study on Configurable Instruction Set for Bioinformatics' Applications”, in Proc. of the 2019 Panhellenic Conference on Electronics & Telecommunications (PACET), Volos, Greece, pp. 1-6, 8-9 November 2019. doi: 10.1109/PACET48583.2019.8956295

Conferences Selected A. Gkogkidis, A. Kakarountas

Exploration Study on Configurable Instruction Set for Bioinformatics’ Applications

A. Gkogkidis, A. Kakarountas
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

A. Gkogkidis, A. Kakarountas, “Exploration Study on Configurable Instruction Set for Bioinformatics’ Applications”, in Proc. of the 2019 Panhellenic Conference on Electronics & Telecommunications (PACET), Volos, Greece, pp. 1-6, 8-9 November 2019. doi: 10.1109/PACET48583.2019.8956295

08 Nov 2019

Logic Design as an Enabler to Python Programming Language Teaching

C. Velaora, A. Kakarountas, “Logic Design as an Enabler to Python Programming Language Teaching”, in Proc. of the 2019 Panhellenic Conference on Electronics & Telecommunications (PACET), Volos, Greece, pp. 1-6 , 8-9 November 2019. doi: 10.1109/PACET48583.2019.8956286

Conferences Selected C. Velaora, A. Kakarountas

Logic Design as an Enabler to Python Programming Language Teaching

C. Velaora, A. Kakarountas
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

C. Velaora, A. Kakarountas, “Logic Design as an Enabler to Python Programming Language Teaching”, in Proc. of the 2019 Panhellenic Conference on Electronics & Telecommunications (PACET), Volos, Greece, pp. 1-6 , 8-9 November 2019. doi: 10.1109/PACET48583.2019.8956286

20 Sep 2019

A Machine-Learning Clustering Approach for Intrusion Detection to IoT Devices

S. Papafotikas, A. Kakarountas, “A Machine-Learning Clustering Approach for Intrusion Detection to IoT Devices”, in Proc. of the 4th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2019), Piraeus, Greece, pp. 1-6, 20-22 September 2019. doi: 10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM.2019.8908520

Conferences Selected S. Papafotikas, A. Kakarountas

A Machine-Learning Clustering Approach for Intrusion Detection to IoT Devices

S. Papafotikas, A. Kakarountas
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

S. Papafotikas, A. Kakarountas, “A Machine-Learning Clustering Approach for Intrusion Detection to IoT Devices”, in Proc. of the 4th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2019), Piraeus, Greece, pp. 1-6, 20-22 September 2019. doi: 10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM.2019.8908520

20 Sep 2019

A Comparative Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Events Detection

V. Tsoukas, K. Kolomvatsos, V. Chioktour, A. Kakarountas, “A Comparative Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Events Detection”, in Proc. of the 4th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2019), Piraeus, Greece, pp. 1-4 , 20-22 September 2019. doi: 10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM.2019.8908366

Conferences Selected V. Tsoukas, K. Kolomvatsos, V. Chioktour, A. Kakarountas

A Comparative Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Events Detection

V. Tsoukas, K. Kolomvatsos, V. Chioktour, A. Kakarountas
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

V. Tsoukas, K. Kolomvatsos, V. Chioktour, A. Kakarountas, “A Comparative Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Events Detection”, in Proc. of the 4th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2019), Piraeus, Greece, pp. 1-4 , 20-22 September 2019. doi: 10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM.2019.8908366

01 Jul 2019

A High-Performance Neuron for Artificial Neural Network based on Izhikevich model

M. Sapounaki, A. Kakarountas, “A High-Performance Neuron for Artificial Neural Network based on Izhikevich model”, in Proc. of the 29th International Symposium on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’19), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 29-34 , 1-3 July 2019. doi: 10.1109/PATMOS.2019.8862154

Conferences Selected M. Sapounaki, A. Kakarountas

A High-Performance Neuron for Artificial Neural Network based on Izhikevich model

M. Sapounaki, A. Kakarountas
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

M. Sapounaki, A. Kakarountas, “A High-Performance Neuron for Artificial Neural Network based on Izhikevich model”, in Proc. of the 29th International Symposium on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’19), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 29-34 , 1-3 July 2019. doi: 10.1109/PATMOS.2019.8862154

29 May 2019

Monitoring Supply Current Thresholds for Smart Device’s Security Enhancement

D. Myridakis, G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas, D. Schoinianakis, and J. Lueken “Monitoring Supply Current Thresholds for Smart Device's Security Enhancement”, in Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Security and Reliability of IoT Systems (SecRIoT 2019), of the 2019 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), Santorini Island, Greece, 29-31 May 2019, pp. 224-227. doi: 10.1109/DCOSS.2019.00058.

Conferences Selected D. Myridakis, G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas, D. Schoinianakis, and J. Lueken

Monitoring Supply Current Thresholds for Smart Device’s Security Enhancement

D. Myridakis, G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas, D. Schoinianakis, and J. Lueken
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

D. Myridakis, G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas, D. Schoinianakis, and J. Lueken “Monitoring Supply Current Thresholds for Smart Device’s Security Enhancement”, in Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Security and Reliability of IoT Systems (SecRIoT 2019), of the 2019 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), Santorini Island, Greece, 29-31 May 2019, pp. 224-227. doi: 10.1109/DCOSS.2019.00058.

05 May 2019

Employing Blockchain and Physical Unclonable Functions for Counterfeit IoT Devices Detection

G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas, L. Negka, G. Gketsios, N.A. Anagnostopoulos and S. Katzenbeisser, “Employing Blockchain and Physical Unclonable Functions for Counterfeit IoT Devices Detection,” in Proc. of the International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (COINS 2019), Crete, Greece, pp. 172-178, 5-7 May 2019.

Conferences Selected G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas, L. Negka, G. Gketsios, N.A. Anagnostopoulos and S. Katzenbeisser

Employing Blockchain and Physical Unclonable Functions for Counterfeit IoT Devices Detection

G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas, L. Negka, G. Gketsios, N.A. Anagnostopoulos and S. Katzenbeisser
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

G. Spathoulas, A. Kakarountas, L. Negka, G. Gketsios, N.A. Anagnostopoulos and S. Katzenbeisser, “Employing Blockchain and Physical Unclonable Functions for Counterfeit IoT Devices Detection,” in Proc. of the International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (COINS 2019), Crete, Greece, pp. 172-178, 5-7 May 2019.

01 Mar 2019

An Acoustic-based Smart Home System for People suffering from Dementia

E. Boumpa, A. Gkogkidis, I. Charalampou, A. Ntaliani, A. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, “An Acoustic-based Smart Home System for People suffering from Dementia,” Technologies, MDPI, vol. 7(1), is. 29, Mar. 2019. Part of the Special Issue Smart Homes and Assisted Living for Ageing Population: From Sensors to Services.

Journal Paper Selected E. Boumpa, A. Gkogkidis, I. Charalampou, A. Ntaliani, A. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos

An Acoustic-based Smart Home System for People suffering from Dementia

E. Boumpa, A. Gkogkidis, I. Charalampou, A. Ntaliani, A. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos
Journal Paper Selected
About The Publication

E. Boumpa, A. Gkogkidis, I. Charalampou, A. Ntaliani, A. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, “An Acoustic-based Smart Home System for People suffering from Dementia,” Technologies, MDPI, vol. 7(1), is. 29, Mar. 2019. Part of the Special Issue Smart Homes and Assisted Living for Ageing Population: From Sensors to Services.

01 Mar 2019

The Internet of Things: Trends, Threats, and Applications

A.P. Kakarountas, “The Internet of Things: Trends, Threats, and Applications”, editorial, in IEEE Potentials Magazine, vol. 38, is. 2, 2019

Journal Paper A.P. Kakarountas

The Internet of Things: Trends, Threats, and Applications

A.P. Kakarountas
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, “The Internet of Things: Trends, Threats, and Applications”, editorial, in IEEE Potentials Magazine, vol. 38, is. 2, 2019

01 Dec 2018

Improved Parallel Legalization Schemes for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles

P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, K. Kolomvatsos, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas, and G. Stamoulis, “Improved Parallel Legalization Schemes for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles,” Technologies, MDPI, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 3, Dec. 2018.

Journal Paper Selected P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, K. Kolomvatsos, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas, G. Stamoulis

Improved Parallel Legalization Schemes for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles

P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, K. Kolomvatsos, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas, G. Stamoulis
Journal Paper Selected
About The Publication

P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, K. Kolomvatsos, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas, and G. Stamoulis, “Improved Parallel Legalization Schemes for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles,” Technologies, MDPI, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 3, Dec. 2018.

05 Sep 2018

Anomaly detection in IoT devices via monitoring of supply current

Berlin, Germany

A. Kakarountas, G. Spathoulas, D. Myridakis, D. Schoinianakis, and J. Lueken “Anomaly detection in IoT devices via monitoring of supply current”, in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2018), Berlin, Germany, pp. - , 2-5 Sep. 2018.

Conferences A. Kakarountas, G. Spathoulas, D. Myridakis, D. Schoinianakis, and J. Lueken

Anomaly detection in IoT devices via monitoring of supply current

A. Kakarountas, G. Spathoulas, D. Myridakis, D. Schoinianakis, and J. Lueken
About The Publication

A. Kakarountas, G. Spathoulas, D. Myridakis, D. Schoinianakis, and J. Lueken “Anomaly detection in IoT devices via monitoring of supply current”, in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2018), Berlin, Germany, pp. – , 2-5 Sep. 2018.

04 Sep 2018

Assistive System for Elders Suffering of Dementia

Berlin, Germany

E. Boumpa, I. Charalampou, A. Gkogkidis, A. Ntaliani, E. Kokkinou, and A. Kakarountas, “Assistive System for Elders Suffering of Dementia” in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2018), Berlin, Germany, pp. - , 2-5 Sep. 2018.

Conferences E. Boumpa, I. Charalampou, A. Gkogkidis, A. Ntaliani, E. Kokkinou, and A. Kakarountas

Assistive System for Elders Suffering of Dementia

E. Boumpa, I. Charalampou, A. Gkogkidis, A. Ntaliani, E. Kokkinou, and A. Kakarountas
About The Publication

E. Boumpa, I. Charalampou, A. Gkogkidis, A. Ntaliani, E. Kokkinou, and A. Kakarountas, “Assistive System for Elders Suffering of Dementia” in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin 2018), Berlin, Germany, pp. – , 2-5 Sep. 2018.

07 May 2018

A Tetris-based Legalization Heuristic for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles

P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas and G. Stamoulis, “A Tetris-based Legalization Heuristic for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles” to appear in Proc. of the 2017 International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. - , 7-9 May 2018.

Conferences P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas and G. Stamoulis

A Tetris-based Legalization Heuristic for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles

P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas and G. Stamoulis
About The Publication

P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas and G. Stamoulis, “A Tetris-based Legalization Heuristic for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles” to appear in Proc. of the 2017 International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. – , 7-9 May 2018.

28 Sep 2017

Wearable Panic Attack Detection System

M. Sapounaki, I. Polychronou, M. Gkonta, A. Vogiatzoglou, A.P. Kakarountas, “Wearable Panic Attack Detection System”, in Proc. of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2017), Larisa, Greece, pp. 18:1-18:2, 28-30 Sep. 2017

Conferences M. Sapounaki, I. Polychronou, M. Gkonta, A. Vogiatzoglou, A.P. Kakarountas

Wearable Panic Attack Detection System

M. Sapounaki, I. Polychronou, M. Gkonta, A. Vogiatzoglou, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

M. Sapounaki, I. Polychronou, M. Gkonta, A. Vogiatzoglou, A.P. Kakarountas, “Wearable Panic Attack Detection System”, in Proc. of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2017), Larisa, Greece, pp. 18:1-18:2, 28-30 Sep. 2017

28 Sep 2017

Home Assistive System for Dementia

E. Boumpa, I. Charalampou, A. Gkogkidis, A.P. Kakarountas, “Home Assistive System for Dementia”, in Proc. of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2017), Larisa, Greece, pp. 58:1-58:6, 28-30 Sep. 2017

Conferences E. Boumpa, I. Charalampou, A. Gkogkidis, A.P. Kakarountas

Home Assistive System for Dementia

E. Boumpa, I. Charalampou, A. Gkogkidis, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

E. Boumpa, I. Charalampou, A. Gkogkidis, A.P. Kakarountas, “Home Assistive System for Dementia”, in Proc. of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2017), Larisa, Greece, pp. 58:1-58:6, 28-30 Sep. 2017

28 Sep 2017

Supply Current Monitoring for Anomaly Detection on IoT Devices

D. Myridakis, G. Spathoulas, A.P. Kakarountas, “Supply Current Monitoring for Anomaly Detection on IoT Devices”, in Proc. of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2017), Larisa, Greece, pp. 9:1-9:2, 28-30 Sep. 2017

Conferences D. Myridakis, G. Spathoulas, A.P. Kakarountas

Supply Current Monitoring for Anomaly Detection on IoT Devices

D. Myridakis, G. Spathoulas, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

D. Myridakis, G. Spathoulas, A.P. Kakarountas, “Supply Current Monitoring for Anomaly Detection on IoT Devices”, in Proc. of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2017), Larisa, Greece, pp. 9:1-9:2, 28-30 Sep. 2017

28 Sep 2017

Systolic Binary Counter using a Cellular Automaton-based Prescaler

V. Chioktour, A.P. Kakarountas, “Systolic Binary Counter using a Cellular Automaton-based Prescaler”, in Proc. of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2017), Larisa, Greece, pp. 15:1-15:4, 28-30 Sep. 2017

Conferences V. Chioktour, A.P. Kakarountas

Systolic Binary Counter using a Cellular Automaton-based Prescaler

V. Chioktour, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

V. Chioktour, A.P. Kakarountas, “Systolic Binary Counter using a Cellular Automaton-based Prescaler”, in Proc. of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2017), Larisa, Greece, pp. 15:1-15:4, 28-30 Sep. 2017

04 May 2017

A Time-Aware Code Execution Continuous Monitoring for Safety-Critical Applications

V. Chioktour, A.P. Kakarountas, “A Time-Aware Code Execution Continuous Monitoring for Safety-Critical Applications”, in Proc. of the 2017 International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. - , 4-6 May 2017

Conferences V. Chioktour, A.P. Kakarountas

A Time-Aware Code Execution Continuous Monitoring for Safety-Critical Applications

V. Chioktour, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

V. Chioktour, A.P. Kakarountas, “A Time-Aware Code Execution Continuous Monitoring for Safety-Critical Applications”, in Proc. of the 2017 International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. – , 4-6 May 2017

25 Apr 2017

Enhancing Young Technology Entrepreneurship by Exploiting an Altered Version of Project-based Learning

S. Dragoumanos, T. Fourou, A.P. Kakarountas, “Enhancing Young Technology Entrepreneurship by Exploiting an Altered Version of Project-based Learning”, in Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Athens, Greece, pp. 351-358, 25-28 April 2017

Conferences S. Dragoumanos, T. Fourou, A.P. Kakarountas

Enhancing Young Technology Entrepreneurship by Exploiting an Altered Version of Project-based Learning

S. Dragoumanos, T. Fourou, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

S. Dragoumanos, T. Fourou, A.P. Kakarountas, “Enhancing Young Technology Entrepreneurship by Exploiting an Altered Version of Project-based Learning”, in Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Athens, Greece, pp. 351-358, 25-28 April 2017

12 May 2016

A Performance Enhancement Approach based on Tweak Process Scheduling for a P1619 core

T. Tsakoulis, G. Theodoridis, A.P. Kakarountas, “A Performance Enhancement Approach based on Tweak Process Scheduling for a P1619 core”, in Proc. of the 2016 International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. - , 12-14 May 2016

Conferences T. Tsakoulis, G. Theodoridis, A.P. Kakarountas

A Performance Enhancement Approach based on Tweak Process Scheduling for a P1619 core

T. Tsakoulis, G. Theodoridis, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

T. Tsakoulis, G. Theodoridis, A.P. Kakarountas, “A Performance Enhancement Approach based on Tweak Process Scheduling for a P1619 core”, in Proc. of the 2016 International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. – , 12-14 May 2016

12 May 2016

High Speed Binary Counter based on 1D Cellular Automata

C. Christakis, G. Theodoridis, A.P. Kakarountas, “High Speed Binary Counter based on 1D Cellular Automata”, in Proc. of the 2016 International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. - , 12-14 May 2016

Conferences C. Christakis, G. Theodoridis, A.P. Kakarountas

High Speed Binary Counter based on 1D Cellular Automata

C. Christakis, G. Theodoridis, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

C. Christakis, G. Theodoridis, A.P. Kakarountas, “High Speed Binary Counter based on 1D Cellular Automata”, in Proc. of the 2016 International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. – , 12-14 May 2016

01 Oct 2015

Computer Assisted Gesture Recognition for the Greek Sign Language/Fingerspelling

D. Kotsidou, C. Angelis, S. Dragoumanos, A.P. Kakarountas, “Computer Assisted Gesture Recognition for the Greek Sign Language/Fingerspelling”, in Proc. of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2015), Athens, Greece, pp. 241-242, 1-3 October 2015

Conferences D. Kotsidou, C. Angelis, S. Dragoumanos, A.P. Kakarountas

Computer Assisted Gesture Recognition for the Greek Sign Language/Fingerspelling

D. Kotsidou, C. Angelis, S. Dragoumanos, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

D. Kotsidou, C. Angelis, S. Dragoumanos, A.P. Kakarountas, “Computer Assisted Gesture Recognition for the Greek Sign Language/Fingerspelling”, in Proc. of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2015), Athens, Greece, pp. 241-242, 1-3 October 2015

08 Sep 2015

Hardware Implementation of the Totally Self-Checking SHA-256 Hash Core

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Kotsiolis, G. Athanasiou, C. Goutis, “Hardware Implementation of the Totally Self-Checking SHA-256 Hash Core”, to appear in Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON 2015), Salamanca, Spain, pp. - , 8-11 September 2015

Conferences H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Kotsiolis, G. Athanasiou, C. Goutis

Hardware Implementation of the Totally Self-Checking SHA-256 Hash Core

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Kotsiolis, G. Athanasiou, C. Goutis
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Kotsiolis, G. Athanasiou, C. Goutis, “Hardware Implementation of the Totally Self-Checking SHA-256 Hash Core”, to appear in Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON 2015), Salamanca, Spain, pp. – , 8-11 September 2015

14 Jun 2015

A Compact Design of SEED Block Cipher

F. Pirpilidis, P. Kitsos, A. Kakarountas, “A Compact Design of SEED Block Cipher”, in Proc. of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2015), Budva, Montenegro, pp. - , 14-18 June 2015

Conferences F. Pirpilidis, P. Kitsos, A. Kakarountas

A Compact Design of SEED Block Cipher

F. Pirpilidis, P. Kitsos, A. Kakarountas
About The Publication

F. Pirpilidis, P. Kitsos, A. Kakarountas, “A Compact Design of SEED Block Cipher”, in Proc. of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2015), Budva, Montenegro, pp. – , 14-18 June 2015

01 May 2015

Safety and Security for Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas, “Safety and Security for Shared Storage Media”, accepted for inclusion in Proc. of the 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications, PACET 2015, Ioannina, Greece, pp. - , May 2015

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas

Safety and Security for Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, “Safety and Security for Shared Storage Media”, accepted for inclusion in Proc. of the 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications, PACET 2015, Ioannina, Greece, pp. – , May 2015

01 Nov 2014

Disappearing Computing for Elderly Assisted Living

A.P. Kakarountas, “Disappearing Computing for Elderly Assisted Living”, accepted for inclusion in Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Mobihealth 2014, Athens, Greece, pp. 36-38, November 2014

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas

Disappearing Computing for Elderly Assisted Living

A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, “Disappearing Computing for Elderly Assisted Living”, accepted for inclusion in Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Mobihealth 2014, Athens, Greece, pp. 36-38, November 2014

01 Oct 2014

A Marketing Tool Based on Games for Smart Devices

P. Christodoulou, I. Diamantis, S. Dragoumanos, A.P. Kakarountas, “A Marketing Tool Based on Games for Smart Devices”, accepted for inclusion in Proc. of the 18th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2014), Athens, Greece, pp. - , October 2014

Conferences P. Christodoulou, I. Diamantis, S. Dragoumanos, A.P. Kakarountas

A Marketing Tool Based on Games for Smart Devices

P. Christodoulou, I. Diamantis, S. Dragoumanos, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

P. Christodoulou, I. Diamantis, S. Dragoumanos, A.P. Kakarountas, “A Marketing Tool Based on Games for Smart Devices”, accepted for inclusion in Proc. of the 18th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2014), Athens, Greece, pp. – , October 2014

01 Jul 2014

Extending Visitor’s Reality at Museums

A.P. Kakarountas, S. Dragoumanos, K. Kakarountas, “Extending Visitor’s Reality at Museums”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2014, Chania, Greece, pp. 196 - 200, July 2014

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, S. Dragoumanos, K. Kakarountas

Extending Visitor’s Reality at Museums

A.P. Kakarountas, S. Dragoumanos, K. Kakarountas
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, S. Dragoumanos, K. Kakarountas, “Extending Visitor’s Reality at Museums”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2014, Chania, Greece, pp. 196 – 200, July 2014

01 May 2014

Cipher Text Stealing Integrated in Implementations of IEEE P1619 for Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, P. Kitsos, “Cipher Text Stealing Integrated in Implementations of IEEE P1619 for Shared Storage Media”, in Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2014, Athens, Greece, pp. 574 - 577, May 2014

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, P. Kitsos

Cipher Text Stealing Integrated in Implementations of IEEE P1619 for Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, P. Kitsos
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, P. Kitsos, “Cipher Text Stealing Integrated in Implementations of IEEE P1619 for Shared Storage Media”, in Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2014, Athens, Greece, pp. 574 – 577, May 2014

01 Oct 2011

Efficient Exploitation of Parallel Computing on the Server-Side of Health Organizations’ Intranet for Distributing Medical Images to Smart Devices

A.P. Kakarountas, I. Mavridis, “Efficient Exploitation of Parallel Computing on the Server-Side of Health Organizations’ Intranet for Distributing Medical Images to Smart Devices”, in Proc. of the 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Mobihealth 2011, Kos Island, Greece, pp. , October 2011

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, I. Mavridis

Efficient Exploitation of Parallel Computing on the Server-Side of Health Organizations’ Intranet for Distributing Medical Images to Smart Devices

A.P. Kakarountas, I. Mavridis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, I. Mavridis, “Efficient Exploitation of Parallel Computing on the Server-Side of Health Organizations’ Intranet for Distributing Medical Images to Smart Devices”, in Proc. of the 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Mobihealth 2011, Kos Island, Greece, pp. , October 2011

01 Jul 2011

High-Throughput ASIC Implementation of an Encryption Core for Securing Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, A. Milidonis, “High-Throughput ASIC Implementation of an Encryption Core for Securing Shared Storage Media”, in Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP 2011, Corfu, Greece, pp. – (TC3.1), July 2011

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, A. Milidonis

High-Throughput ASIC Implementation of an Encryption Core for Securing Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, A. Milidonis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, A. Milidonis, “High-Throughput ASIC Implementation of an Encryption Core for Securing Shared Storage Media”, in Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP 2011, Corfu, Greece, pp. – (TC3.1), July 2011

01 Jun 2011

A Survey on Throughput-Efficient Architectures for IEEE P1619 for Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, A. Milidonis, “A Survey on Throughput-Efficient Architectures for IEEE P1619 for Shared Storage Media”, in Proc. of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC 2011, Corfu, Greece, pp. 758-763, June 2011

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, A. Milidonis

A Survey on Throughput-Efficient Architectures for IEEE P1619 for Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, A. Milidonis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, E. Hatzidimitriou, A. Milidonis, “A Survey on Throughput-Efficient Architectures for IEEE P1619 for Shared Storage Media”, in Proc. of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC 2011, Corfu, Greece, pp. 758-763, June 2011

01 Jan 2011

Exploration and Enhancement of P1619-Based Crypto-Cores for Efficient Performance

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Milidonis, “Exploration and Enhancement of P1619-Based Crypto-Cores for Efficient Performance”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’11), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 369-370, Jan. 2011

Conferences E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Milidonis

Exploration and Enhancement of P1619-Based Crypto-Cores for Efficient Performance

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Milidonis
About The Publication

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Milidonis, “Exploration and Enhancement of P1619-Based Crypto-Cores for Efficient Performance”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’11), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 369-370, Jan. 2011

03 Sep 2010

Planning and Development of the Backend Software for an Electronic Health Record Client based on the Android Platform

D. Tychalas, A. Kakarountas, “Planning and Development of the Backend Software for an Electronic Health Record Client based on the Android Platform”, in Proc. of 14th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2010, Tripoli, Greece, pp. 3-6, September 2010

Conferences D. Tychalas, A. Kakarountas

Planning and Development of the Backend Software for an Electronic Health Record Client based on the Android Platform

D. Tychalas, A. Kakarountas
About The Publication

D. Tychalas, A. Kakarountas, “Planning and Development of the Backend Software for an Electronic Health Record Client based on the Android Platform”, in Proc. of 14th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2010, Tripoli, Greece, pp. 3-6, September 2010

01 Jul 2010

Exploration of 2D Cellular Automata as Binary Sequence Generators

E. Arvaniti, I. Mavridis, A. Kakarountas, “Exploration of 2D Cellular Automata as Binary Sequence Generators”, in Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSI 2010, Lixouri Kefalonia, Greece, pp. 41-45, July 2010

Conferences E. Arvaniti, I. Mavridis, A. Kakarountas

Exploration of 2D Cellular Automata as Binary Sequence Generators

E. Arvaniti, I. Mavridis, A. Kakarountas
About The Publication

E. Arvaniti, I. Mavridis, A. Kakarountas, “Exploration of 2D Cellular Automata as Binary Sequence Generators”, in Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSI 2010, Lixouri Kefalonia, Greece, pp. 41-45, July 2010

01 Apr 2010

Implementation of a P1619 Crypto-Core for Shared Storage Media

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas, “Implementation of a P1619 Crypto-Core for Shared Storage Media”, in Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2010, Valetta, Malta, pp. 597-601, April 2010

Conferences E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas

Implementation of a P1619 Crypto-Core for Shared Storage Media

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas, “Implementation of a P1619 Crypto-Core for Shared Storage Media”, in Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2010, Valetta, Malta, pp. 597-601, April 2010

01 Apr 2010

Enhancing Service Portability in Upcoming 3G UMTS Networks & Security Aspects

C. Chrysoulas, N. Sklavos, A.P. Kakarountas, “Enhancing Service Portability in Upcoming 3G UMTS Networks & Security Aspects”, in Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2010, Valetta, Malta, pp. 420-424, April 2010

Conferences C. Chrysoulas, N. Sklavos, A.P. Kakarountas

Enhancing Service Portability in Upcoming 3G UMTS Networks & Security Aspects

C. Chrysoulas, N. Sklavos, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

C. Chrysoulas, N. Sklavos, A.P. Kakarountas, “Enhancing Service Portability in Upcoming 3G UMTS Networks & Security Aspects”, in Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2010, Valetta, Malta, pp. 420-424, April 2010

01 Oct 2009

Implementation of a Low Cost Crypto-System for P1619 (XTS) on FPGA

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas, “Implementation of a Low Cost Crypto-System for P1619 (XTS) on FPGA”, in Proc. of 11th International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT), Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, pp. 1–4, Oct. 2009

Conferences E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas

Implementation of a Low Cost Crypto-System for P1619 (XTS) on FPGA

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

E. Hatzidimitriou, A.P. Kakarountas, “Implementation of a Low Cost Crypto-System for P1619 (XTS) on FPGA”, in Proc. of 11th International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT), Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, pp. 1–4, Oct. 2009

01 Dec 2009

Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication in GF(2^n) Using Polynomial Residue Arithmetic

D. Schinianakis, A. Kakarountas, T. Stouraitis, A. Skavantzos, “Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication in GF(2^n) Using Polynomial Residue Arithmetic”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2009 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’09), Medina, Tunisia, pp. 980-983, Dec. 2009

Conferences D. Schinianakis, A. Kakarountas, T. Stouraitis, A. Skavantzos

Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication in GF(2^n) Using Polynomial Residue Arithmetic

D. Schinianakis, A. Kakarountas, T. Stouraitis, A. Skavantzos
About The Publication

D. Schinianakis, A. Kakarountas, T. Stouraitis, A. Skavantzos, “Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication in GF(2^n) Using Polynomial Residue Arithmetic”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2009 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’09), Medina, Tunisia, pp. 980-983, Dec. 2009

01 Oct 2008

A Scratch-Pad Memory Accelerator for Exploiting Run-Time Reuse

A. Milidonis, V. Porpodas, N. Alachiotis, A. Kakaroudas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos and C.Ε. Goutis, “A Scratch-Pad Memory Accelerator for Exploiting Run-Time Reuse”, in Proc. of the 16th IFIP/IEEE Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC'08), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 271 – 276, Oct. 2008

Conferences A. Milidonis, V. Porpodas, N. Alachiotis, A. Kakaroudas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos and C.Ε. Goutis

A Scratch-Pad Memory Accelerator for Exploiting Run-Time Reuse

A. Milidonis, V. Porpodas, N. Alachiotis, A. Kakaroudas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos and C.Ε. Goutis
About The Publication

A. Milidonis, V. Porpodas, N. Alachiotis, A. Kakaroudas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos and C.Ε. Goutis, “A Scratch-Pad Memory Accelerator for Exploiting Run-Time Reuse”, in Proc. of the 16th IFIP/IEEE Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC’08), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 271 – 276, Oct. 2008

01 Oct 2008

A Segmented High-Speed Counter Based on the Use of Redundant Bits

A. P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, G. Theodoridis and C. E. Goutis “A Segmented High-Speed Counter Based on the Use of Redundant Bits”, in Proc. of the 16th IFIP/IEEE Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC'08), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 42 – 48, Oct. 2008

Conferences A. P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, G. Theodoridis and C. E. Goutis

A Segmented High-Speed Counter Based on the Use of Redundant Bits

A. P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, G. Theodoridis and C. E. Goutis
About The Publication

A. P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, G. Theodoridis and C. E. Goutis “A Segmented High-Speed Counter Based on the Use of Redundant Bits”, in Proc. of the 16th IFIP/IEEE Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC’08), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 42 – 48, Oct. 2008

01 Sep 2007

Integration of a Concurrent Signature Monitoring Mechanism in a System-on-a-Chip

A. Kakarountas, H. Michail, and C.E. Goutis “Integration of a Concurrent Signature Monitoring Mechanism in a System-on-a-Chip”, in Proc. of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS'07), Rabat, Morocco, pp. 47-51, Sept. 2007

Conferences A. Kakarountas, H. Michail, and C.E. Goutis

Integration of a Concurrent Signature Monitoring Mechanism in a System-on-a-Chip

A. Kakarountas, H. Michail, and C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A. Kakarountas, H. Michail, and C.E. Goutis “Integration of a Concurrent Signature Monitoring Mechanism in a System-on-a-Chip”, in Proc. of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS’07), Rabat, Morocco, pp. 47-51, Sept. 2007

01 Sep 2007

Implementation of HSSec: a High-Speed Cryptographic Co-processor

A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, C.E. Goutis, and C. Efstathiou, “Implementation of HSSec: a High-Speed Cryptographic Co-processor”, in Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, (ETFA 2007), Patras, Greece, pp. 625-631, Sept. 2007

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, C.E. Goutis, and C. Efstathiou

Implementation of HSSec: a High-Speed Cryptographic Co-processor

A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, C.E. Goutis, and C. Efstathiou
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, C.E. Goutis, and C. Efstathiou, “Implementation of HSSec: a High-Speed Cryptographic Co-processor”, in Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, (ETFA 2007), Patras, Greece, pp. 625-631, Sept. 2007

01 Jul 2007

Throughput Optimization of the Cipher Message Authentication Code

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, G. Selimis and C.E. Goutis, “Throughput Optimization of the Cipher Message Authentication Code”, in Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP’07), Cardiff, Wales, UK, pp. 495-498, July 2007

Conferences H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, G. Selimis and C.E. Goutis

Throughput Optimization of the Cipher Message Authentication Code

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, G. Selimis and C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, G. Selimis and C.E. Goutis, “Throughput Optimization of the Cipher Message Authentication Code”, in Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP’07), Cardiff, Wales, UK, pp. 495-498, July 2007

01 May 2007

RipeMD-160 Implementation Optimized in Terms of Throughput

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, and C.E. Goutis, “RipeMD-160 Implementation Optimized in Terms of Throughput”, in Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT’07), Amman, Jordan, pp. - , May 2007

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, and C.E. Goutis

RipeMD-160 Implementation Optimized in Terms of Throughput

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, and C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, and C.E. Goutis, “RipeMD-160 Implementation Optimized in Terms of Throughput”, in Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT’07), Amman, Jordan, pp. – , May 2007

01 Apr 2007

Efficient High-Performance ASIC Implementation of JPEG-LS Encoder

M. Papadonikolakis, V. Pantazis, and A.P. Kakarountas, “Efficient High-Performance ASIC Implementation of JPEG-LS Encoder”, in Proc. of Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE’07), Nice, France, pp. 159-164, April 2007

Conferences M. Papadonikolakis, V. Pantazis, and A.P. Kakarountas

Efficient High-Performance ASIC Implementation of JPEG-LS Encoder

M. Papadonikolakis, V. Pantazis, and A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

M. Papadonikolakis, V. Pantazis, and A.P. Kakarountas, “Efficient High-Performance ASIC Implementation of JPEG-LS Encoder”, in Proc. of Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE’07), Nice, France, pp. 159-164, April 2007

01 Apr 2007

A Decoupled Architecture of Processors with Scratch-Pad Memory Hierarchy

A. Milidonis, N. Alachiotis, V. Porpodas, H. Michail, A. P. Kakarountas, and C. E. Goutis, “A Decoupled Architecture of Processors with Scratch-Pad Memory Hierarchy”, in Proc. of Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE’07), Nice, France, pp. 612-617, April 2007

Conferences A. Milidonis, N. Alachiotis, V. Porpodas, H. Michail, A. P. Kakarountas, and C. E. Goutis

A Decoupled Architecture of Processors with Scratch-Pad Memory Hierarchy

A. Milidonis, N. Alachiotis, V. Porpodas, H. Michail, A. P. Kakarountas, and C. E. Goutis
About The Publication

A. Milidonis, N. Alachiotis, V. Porpodas, H. Michail, A. P. Kakarountas, and C. E. Goutis, “A Decoupled Architecture of Processors with Scratch-Pad Memory Hierarchy”, in Proc. of Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE’07), Nice, France, pp. 612-617, April 2007

01 Dec 2006

Temporal and System Level Modifications for High Speed VLSI Implementations of Cryptographic Core

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A.S. Milidonis, G.A. Panagiotakopoulos, V.N. Thanasoulis, C. E.Goutis, “Temporal and System Level Modifications for High Speed VLSI Implementations of Cryptographic Core” in Proc. of the IEEE 2006 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’06), Nice, France, pp. 1180-1183, Dec. 2006

Conferences H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A.S. Milidonis, G.A. Panagiotakopoulos, V.N. Thanasoulis, C. E.Goutis

Temporal and System Level Modifications for High Speed VLSI Implementations of Cryptographic Core

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A.S. Milidonis, G.A. Panagiotakopoulos, V.N. Thanasoulis, C. E.Goutis
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A.S. Milidonis, G.A. Panagiotakopoulos, V.N. Thanasoulis, C. E.Goutis, “Temporal and System Level Modifications for High Speed VLSI Implementations of Cryptographic Core” in Proc. of the IEEE 2006 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’06), Nice, France, pp. 1180-1183, Dec. 2006

16 May 2006

A New Approach to Elliptic Curve Cryptography: An RNS Architecture

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Kakarountas, T. Stouraitis, “A New Approach to Elliptic Curve Cryptography: An RNS Architecture” in Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, Malaga, Spain, pp. 1241-1245, May 16-19, 2006

Conferences D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Kakarountas, T. Stouraitis

A New Approach to Elliptic Curve Cryptography: An RNS Architecture

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Kakarountas, T. Stouraitis
About The Publication

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Kakarountas, T. Stouraitis, “A New Approach to Elliptic Curve Cryptography: An RNS Architecture” in Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, Malaga, Spain, pp. 1241-1245, May 16-19, 2006

16 May 2006

A Novel High-Throughput Implementation of a Partially Unrolled SHA-512

F. Aisopos, K. Aisopos, D.M. Schinianakis, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, “A Novel High-Throughput Implementation of a Partially Unrolled SHA-512” in Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, Malaga, Spain, pp. 61-65, May 16-19, 2006

Conferences F. Aisopos, K. Aisopos, D.M. Schinianakis, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas

A Novel High-Throughput Implementation of a Partially Unrolled SHA-512

F. Aisopos, K. Aisopos, D.M. Schinianakis, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

F. Aisopos, K. Aisopos, D.M. Schinianakis, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, “A Novel High-Throughput Implementation of a Partially Unrolled SHA-512” in Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, Malaga, Spain, pp. 61-65, May 16-19, 2006

21 May 2006

An RNS Architecture of an Fp Elliptic Curve Point Multiplier

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Fournaris, A.P. Kakarountas and T. Stouraitis, “An RNS Architecture of an Fp Elliptic Curve Point Multiplier”, in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2006, Kos Island, Greece, May 21-24, 2006

Conferences Selected D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Fournaris, A.P. Kakarountas and T. Stouraitis

An RNS Architecture of an Fp Elliptic Curve Point Multiplier

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Fournaris, A.P. Kakarountas and T. Stouraitis
Conferences Selected
About The Publication

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Fournaris, A.P. Kakarountas and T. Stouraitis, “An RNS Architecture of an Fp Elliptic Curve Point Multiplier”, in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2006, Kos Island, Greece, May 21-24, 2006

21 Nov 2005

Efficient small-sized implementation of the keyed-hash message authentication code

I. Yiakoumis, M. Papadonikolakis, H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Efficient small-sized implementation of the keyed-hash message authentication code”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 EUROCON as finalist in the IEEE Region 8 Best Student Paper Contest, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, pp. 1875-1878, Nov. 21-24, 2005

Conferences I. Yiakoumis, M. Papadonikolakis, H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

Efficient small-sized implementation of the keyed-hash message authentication code

I. Yiakoumis, M. Papadonikolakis, H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

I. Yiakoumis, M. Papadonikolakis, H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Efficient small-sized implementation of the keyed-hash message authentication code”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 EUROCON as finalist in the IEEE Region 8 Best Student Paper Contest, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, pp. 1875-1878, Nov. 21-24, 2005

02 Nov 2005

Speedups from Partitioning Software Kernels to FPGA Hardware in Embedded SoCs

M. D. Galanis, G. Dimitroulakos, A. P. Kakarountas, and C.E. Goutis, “Speedups from Partitioning Software Kernels to FPGA Hardware in Embedded SoCs”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’05), Athens, Greece, pp. 485-490, Nov. 2-4, 2005

Conferences M. D. Galanis, G. Dimitroulakos, A. P. Kakarountas, and C.E. Goutis

Speedups from Partitioning Software Kernels to FPGA Hardware in Embedded SoCs

M. D. Galanis, G. Dimitroulakos, A. P. Kakarountas, and C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

M. D. Galanis, G. Dimitroulakos, A. P. Kakarountas, and C.E. Goutis, “Speedups from Partitioning Software Kernels to FPGA Hardware in Embedded SoCs”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’05), Athens, Greece, pp. 485-490, Nov. 2-4, 2005

01 Dec 2005

Novel High Throughput Implementation of SHA-256 Hash Function Through Pre-Computation Technique

H. Michail, A. Milidonis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Novel High Throughput Implementation of SHA-256 Hash Function Through Pre-Computation Technique”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2005 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’05), Gammarth, Tunisia, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2005

Conferences H. Michail, A. Milidonis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

Novel High Throughput Implementation of SHA-256 Hash Function Through Pre-Computation Technique

H. Michail, A. Milidonis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

H. Michail, A. Milidonis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Novel High Throughput Implementation of SHA-256 Hash Function Through Pre-Computation Technique”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2005 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’05), Gammarth, Tunisia, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2005

02 Nov 2005

A High-Throughput Area Efficient FPGA Implementation of AES-128 Encryption

A. Brokalakis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “A High-Throughput Area Efficient FPGA Implementation of AES-128 Encryption”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’05), Athens, Greece, pp. 116-121, Nov. 2-4, 2005

Conferences A. Brokalakis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

A High-Throughput Area Efficient FPGA Implementation of AES-128 Encryption

A. Brokalakis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A. Brokalakis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “A High-Throughput Area Efficient FPGA Implementation of AES-128 Encryption”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’05), Athens, Greece, pp. 116-121, Nov. 2-4, 2005

02 Nov 2005

High throughput implementation of the new Secure Hash Algorithm through partial unrolling

K. Aisopos, A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, C.E. Goutis, “High throughput implementation of the new Secure Hash Algorithm through partial unrolling”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’05), Athens, Greece, pp. 99-103, Nov. 2-4, 2005

Conferences K. Aisopos, A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, C.E. Goutis

High throughput implementation of the new Secure Hash Algorithm through partial unrolling

K. Aisopos, A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

K. Aisopos, A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, C.E. Goutis, “High throughput implementation of the new Secure Hash Algorithm through partial unrolling”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’05), Athens, Greece, pp. 99-103, Nov. 2-4, 2005

01 Sep 2005

Optimizing SHA-1 Hash Function for High Throughput with a Partial Unrolling Study

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, G.N. Selimis, C.E. Goutis, “Optimizing SHA-1 Hash Function for High Throughput with a Partial Unrolling Study”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’05), Leuven, Belgium, pp. 591-600, Sep. 2005

Conferences H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, G.N. Selimis, C.E. Goutis

Optimizing SHA-1 Hash Function for High Throughput with a Partial Unrolling Study

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, G.N. Selimis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, G.N. Selimis, C.E. Goutis, “Optimizing SHA-1 Hash Function for High Throughput with a Partial Unrolling Study”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’05), Leuven, Belgium, pp. 591-600, Sep. 2005

05 Sep 2005

A High-Speed FPGA Implementation of the SHA-1 Hash Function

A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, T. Laopoulos, C.E. Goutis, “A High-Speed FPGA Implementation of the SHA-1 Hash Function”, in Proc. of IEEE Third International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS’05), Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 211-215, Sep. 5-7, 2005

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, T. Laopoulos, C.E. Goutis

A High-Speed FPGA Implementation of the SHA-1 Hash Function

A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, T. Laopoulos, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, T. Laopoulos, C.E. Goutis, “A High-Speed FPGA Implementation of the SHA-1 Hash Function”, in Proc. of IEEE Third International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS’05), Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 211-215, Sep. 5-7, 2005

01 May 2005

Low Power and High Throughput Implementation of SHA-256 Hash Function

H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Milidonis, C.E. Goutis, “Low Power and High Throughput Implementation of SHA-256 Hash Function”, in Proc. of International E-Conference on Computer Science (IeCCS 2005), pp. 170-173, May 2005

Conferences H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Milidonis, C.E. Goutis

Low Power and High Throughput Implementation of SHA-256 Hash Function

H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Milidonis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A. Milidonis, C.E. Goutis, “Low Power and High Throughput Implementation of SHA-256 Hash Function”, in Proc. of International E-Conference on Computer Science (IeCCS 2005), pp. 170-173, May 2005

01 May 2005

A Low-Power and High-Throughput Implementation of the SHA-1 Hash Function

H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, O. Koufopavlou, C.E. Goutis, “A Low-Power and High-Throughput Implementation of the SHA-1 Hash Function”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’05), Kobe, Japan, pp. 4086-4089, May 2005

Conferences H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, O. Koufopavlou, C.E. Goutis

A Low-Power and High-Throughput Implementation of the SHA-1 Hash Function

H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, O. Koufopavlou, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

H. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, O. Koufopavlou, C.E. Goutis, “A Low-Power and High-Throughput Implementation of the SHA-1 Hash Function”, in Proc. of IEEE 2005 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’05), Kobe, Japan, pp. 4086-4089, May 2005

01 Dec 2004

COSAFE: Efficient Safety-Critical Portable System

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “COSAFE: Efficient Safety-Critical Portable System”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2004 International Workshop on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS’04), Singapore, pp. S1.6(13-16), Dec. 2004

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis

COSAFE: Efficient Safety-Critical Portable System

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “COSAFE: Efficient Safety-Critical Portable System”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2004 International Workshop on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS’04), Singapore, pp. S1.6(13-16), Dec. 2004

01 Dec 2004

Efficient Implementation of the Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) Using the SHA-1 Hash Function

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Efficient Implementation of the Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) Using the SHA-1 Hash Function”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2004 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’04), Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 567-570, Dec. 2004

Conferences H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

Efficient Implementation of the Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) Using the SHA-1 Hash Function

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Efficient Implementation of the Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) Using the SHA-1 Hash Function”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2004 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’04), Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp. 567-570, Dec. 2004

01 Sep 2004

The Impact of Low-Power Techniques on the Design of Portable Safety-Critical Systems

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “The Impact of Low-Power Techniques on the Design of Portable Safety-Critical Systems”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2004 International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’04), Santorini island, Greece, September 2004

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis

The Impact of Low-Power Techniques on the Design of Portable Safety-Critical Systems

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “The Impact of Low-Power Techniques on the Design of Portable Safety-Critical Systems”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2004 International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’04), Santorini island, Greece, September 2004

01 Sep 2004

A Novel Constant-Time Fault-Secure Binary Counter

D. Karatasos, A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, C.E. Goutis, “A Novel Constant-Time Fault-Secure Binary Counter”, in Proc. of IEEE 2004 International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’04), Santorini island, Greece, Sept. 2004

Conferences D. Karatasos, A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, C.E. Goutis

A Novel Constant-Time Fault-Secure Binary Counter

D. Karatasos, A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

D. Karatasos, A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, C.E. Goutis, “A Novel Constant-Time Fault-Secure Binary Counter”, in Proc. of IEEE 2004 International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’04), Santorini island, Greece, Sept. 2004

01 Mar 2002

A Fast Johnson-Mobius Encoding Scheme for Fault Secure Binary Counters

K.S. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis, “A Fast Johnson-Mobius Encoding Scheme for Fault Secure Binary Counters”, in Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE’02), Paris, France, Mar. 2002

Conferences K.S. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis

A Fast Johnson-Mobius Encoding Scheme for Fault Secure Binary Counters

K.S. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

K.S. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis, “A Fast Johnson-Mobius Encoding Scheme for Fault Secure Binary Counters”, in Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE’02), Paris, France, Mar. 2002

01 Dec 2003

A Novel High-Speed Counter with Counting Rate Independent of the Counter’s Length

A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, K.S. Papadomanolakis, C.E. Goutis, “A Novel High-Speed Counter with Counting Rate Independent of the Counter's Length”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2003 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’03), UAE, pp. 1164 - 1167, Dec. 2003

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, K.S. Papadomanolakis, C.E. Goutis

A Novel High-Speed Counter with Counting Rate Independent of the Counter’s Length

A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, K.S. Papadomanolakis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, K.S. Papadomanolakis, C.E. Goutis, “A Novel High-Speed Counter with Counting Rate Independent of the Counter’s Length”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2003 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’03), UAE, pp. 1164 – 1167, Dec. 2003

01 Sep 2002

A Low-Power Fault-Secure Timer Implementation

K.S. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis, “A Low-Power Fault-Secure Timer Implementation”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2002 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’02), Croatia, pp. 537-540, Sept. 2002

Conferences K.S. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis

A Low-Power Fault-Secure Timer Implementation

K.S. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

K.S. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis, “A Low-Power Fault-Secure Timer Implementation”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2002 International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’02), Croatia, pp. 537-540, Sept. 2002

01 Sep 2001

Memory Hierarchy Layer Assignment for Data Re-Use Exploitation in Multimedia Algorithms Realized on Predefined Processor Architectures

K. Masselos, F. Catthoor, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, H. DeMan, “Memory Hierarchy Layer Assignment for Data Re-Use Exploitation in Multimedia Algorithms Realized on Predefined Processor Architectures”, in Proc. of 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS'01), Malta, vol.I, pp.285-288, Sept. 2001

K. Masselos, F. Catthoor, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, H. DeMan

Memory Hierarchy Layer Assignment for Data Re-Use Exploitation in Multimedia Algorithms Realized on Predefined Processor Architectures

K. Masselos, F. Catthoor, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, H. DeMan
About The Publication

K. Masselos, F. Catthoor, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, H. DeMan, “Memory Hierarchy Layer Assignment for Data Re-Use Exploitation in Multimedia Algorithms Realized on Predefined Processor Architectures”, in Proc. of 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’01), Malta, vol.I, pp.285-288, Sept. 2001

01 Sep 2001

A code Transformation-Based Methodology for Improving I-Cache Performance

N. Liveris, N.D. Zervas, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “A code Transformation-Based Methodology for Improving I-Cache Performance”, in Proc. of 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’01), Malta, vol.II, pp.917-920, Sept. 2001

Conferences N. Liveris, N.D. Zervas, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

A code Transformation-Based Methodology for Improving I-Cache Performance

N. Liveris, N.D. Zervas, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

N. Liveris, N.D. Zervas, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “A code Transformation-Based Methodology for Improving I-Cache Performance”, in Proc. of 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’01), Malta, vol.II, pp.917-920, Sept. 2001

01 Sep 2000

Reducing Power Consumption through Dynamic Frequency Scaling for a Class of Digital Receivers

N.D. Zervas, S. Theoharis, A.P.Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, D. Soudris, C.E. Goutis, “Reducing Power Consumption through Dynamic Frequency Scaling for a Class of Digital Receivers”, in Proc. of IEEE 2000 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’00), Göttingen, Germany, pp. 47-55, Sept. 2000

Conferences N.D. Zervas, S. Theoharis, A.P.Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, D. Soudris, C.E. Goutis

Reducing Power Consumption through Dynamic Frequency Scaling for a Class of Digital Receivers

N.D. Zervas, S. Theoharis, A.P.Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, D. Soudris, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

N.D. Zervas, S. Theoharis, A.P.Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, D. Soudris, C.E. Goutis, “Reducing Power Consumption through Dynamic Frequency Scaling for a Class of Digital Receivers”, in Proc. of IEEE 2000 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’00), Göttingen, Germany, pp. 47-55, Sept. 2000

01 May 2002

Confronting Violations of the TSCG(t) in Low-Power Design

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, S. Nikolaidis, D. Soudris, C.E. Goutis, “Confronting Violations of the TSCG(t) in Low-Power Design”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2002 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’02), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, pp. 2606-2609, May 2002

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, S. Nikolaidis, D. Soudris, C.E. Goutis

Confronting Violations of the TSCG(t) in Low-Power Design

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, S. Nikolaidis, D. Soudris, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, S. Nikolaidis, D. Soudris, C.E. Goutis, “Confronting Violations of the TSCG(t) in Low-Power Design”, in Proc. of the IEEE 2002 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’02), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, pp. 2606-2609, May 2002

01 Mar 2002

Designing a Low-Power Fault-Tolerant Microcontroller for Medicine Infusion Devices

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “Designing a Low-Power Fault-Tolerant Microcontroller for Medicine Infusion Devices”, in Proc. of Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE’02), Paris, France, pp. 205-211, March 2002

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis

Designing a Low-Power Fault-Tolerant Microcontroller for Medicine Infusion Devices

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, V. Spiliotopoulos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “Designing a Low-Power Fault-Tolerant Microcontroller for Medicine Infusion Devices”, in Proc. of Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE’02), Paris, France, pp. 205-211, March 2002

01 Dec 2001

A Comparative Study on Fault Secure Signed Multiplication Designs

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis, “A Comparative Study on Fault Secure Signed Multiplication Designs”, in Proc. of 11th IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (IFIP VLSI-SOC’01), Montpellier, France, pp. 183-188, Dec. 2001

Conferences K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis

A Comparative Study on Fault Secure Signed Multiplication Designs

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis, “A Comparative Study on Fault Secure Signed Multiplication Designs”, in Proc. of 11th IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (IFIP VLSI-SOC’01), Montpellier, France, pp. 183-188, Dec. 2001

01 Sep 2001

The Effect of Fault Secureness in Low-Power Multiplier Designs

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis, “The Effect of Fault Secureness in Low-Power Multiplier Designs”, in Proc. of IEEE 2001 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’01), Yverdon-Les-Bains, Switzerland, pp. 10.3, Sept. 2001

Conferences K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis

The Effect of Fault Secureness in Low-Power Multiplier Designs

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, N. Sklavos, C.E. Goutis, “The Effect of Fault Secureness in Low-Power Multiplier Designs”, in Proc. of IEEE 2001 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’01), Yverdon-Les-Bains, Switzerland, pp. 10.3, Sept. 2001

01 Nov 2000

Low-Power Design of a Safety Critical Microcontroller

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “Low-Power Design of a Safety Critical Microcontroller”, in Proc. of 1st Conference on Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology (MMN’00), Athens, Greece, Nov. 2000

Conferences K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis

Low-Power Design of a Safety Critical Microcontroller

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

K. Papadomanolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “Low-Power Design of a Safety Critical Microcontroller”, in Proc. of 1st Conference on Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology (MMN’00), Athens, Greece, Nov. 2000

01 Sep 2001

Design of Low-Power On-Line Reconfigurable Datapaths Using Self-Checking Circuits

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, C.E. Goutis, “Design of Low-Power On-Line Reconfigurable Datapaths Using Self-Checking Circuits”, in Proc. of 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’01), Malta, vol.III, pp.1565-1568, Sept. 2001

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, C.E. Goutis

Design of Low-Power On-Line Reconfigurable Datapaths Using Self-Checking Circuits

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, V. Kokkinos, C.E. Goutis, “Design of Low-Power On-Line Reconfigurable Datapaths Using Self-Checking Circuits”, in Proc. of 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’01), Malta, vol.III, pp.1565-1568, Sept. 2001

01 Sep 2000

Comparative Study on Self-Checking Carry-Propagate Adders in Terms of Area, Power and Performance

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, V. Kokkinos, C.E. Goutis, “Comparative Study on Self-Checking Carry-Propagate Adders in Terms of Area, Power and Performance”, in Proc. of IEEE 2000 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’00), Göttingen, Germany, pp. 187-194, Sept. 2000

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, V. Kokkinos, C.E. Goutis

Comparative Study on Self-Checking Carry-Propagate Adders in Terms of Area, Power and Performance

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, V. Kokkinos, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, V. Kokkinos, C.E. Goutis, “Comparative Study on Self-Checking Carry-Propagate Adders in Terms of Area, Power and Performance”, in Proc. of IEEE 2000 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’00), Göttingen, Germany, pp. 187-194, Sept. 2000

01 Oct 1999

Hardware/Power Requirements vs. Fault Detection Effectiveness in Self-Checking Circuits

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, E. Karaolis, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “Hardware/Power Requirements vs. Fault Detection Effectiveness in Self-Checking Circuits”, in Proc. of IEEE 1999 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’99), Kos, Greece, pp. 387-396, Oct. 1999

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, E. Karaolis, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis

Hardware/Power Requirements vs. Fault Detection Effectiveness in Self-Checking Circuits

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, E. Karaolis, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, E. Karaolis, S. Nikolaidis, C.E. Goutis, “Hardware/Power Requirements vs. Fault Detection Effectiveness in Self-Checking Circuits”, in Proc. of IEEE 1999 International Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’99), Kos, Greece, pp. 387-396, Oct. 1999

01 Sep 1999

Hardware and Power Requirements of Self-Checking Circuits

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, E. Karaolis, S. Nikolaidis, N. Alachiotis, C.E. Goutis, “Hardware and Power Requirements of Self-Checking Circuits”, in Proc. of 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’99), Pafos, Cyprus, pp 1655-1658, Sept. 1999

Conferences A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, E. Karaolis, S. Nikolaidis, N. Alachiotis, C.E. Goutis

Hardware and Power Requirements of Self-Checking Circuits

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, E. Karaolis, S. Nikolaidis, N. Alachiotis, C.E. Goutis
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis, E. Karaolis, S. Nikolaidis, N. Alachiotis, C.E. Goutis, “Hardware and Power Requirements of Self-Checking Circuits”, in Proc. of 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’99), Pafos, Cyprus, pp 1655-1658, Sept. 1999

01 Sep 2016

Safety and Security for Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas, “Safety and Security for Shared Storage Media”, in Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review - JESTR, Vol.9, No. 5, pp. 142 – 144, 2016

Journal Paper A.P. Kakarountas

Safety and Security for Shared Storage Media

A.P. Kakarountas
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, “Safety and Security for Shared Storage Media”, in Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review – JESTR, Vol.9, No. 5, pp. 142 – 144, 2016

01 Jan 2013

Performance for Cryptography: A Hardware Approach

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, “Performance for Cryptography: A Hardware Approach”, International Journal of Computer Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., vol. 19, is. 2/3, pp. – , 2013

Journal Paper A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail

Performance for Cryptography: A Hardware Approach

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, “Performance for Cryptography: A Hardware Approach”, International Journal of Computer Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., vol. 19, is. 2/3, pp. – , 2013

01 Jan 2011

Cipher Block based Authentication Module: A Hardware Design Perspective

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, D. Schinianakis, G. Selimis, C.E. Goutis, “Cipher Block based Authentication Module: A Hardware Design Perspective”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, World Scientific Publishing, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 163-184, 2011

Journal Paper H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, D. Schinianakis, G. Selimis, C.E. Goutis

Cipher Block based Authentication Module: A Hardware Design Perspective

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, D. Schinianakis, G. Selimis, C.E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, D. Schinianakis, G. Selimis, C.E. Goutis, “Cipher Block based Authentication Module: A Hardware Design Perspective”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, World Scientific Publishing, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 163-184, 2011

01 Jan 2010

Decoupled Processors Architecture for Accelerating Data Intensive Applications using Scratch-Pad Memory Hierarchy

A. Milidonis, N. Alachiotis, V. Porpodas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Decoupled Processors Architecture for Accelerating Data Intensive Applications using Scratch-Pad Memory Hierarchy”, Journal of Signal Processing Systems. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, vol. 59, no.3, pp. 281-296, 2010

Journal Paper A. Milidonis, N. Alachiotis, V. Porpodas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

Decoupled Processors Architecture for Accelerating Data Intensive Applications using Scratch-Pad Memory Hierarchy

A. Milidonis, N. Alachiotis, V. Porpodas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A. Milidonis, N. Alachiotis, V. Porpodas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Decoupled Processors Architecture for Accelerating Data Intensive Applications using Scratch-Pad Memory Hierarchy”, Journal of Signal Processing Systems. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, vol. 59, no.3, pp. 281-296, 2010

01 Jan 2009

High-Throughput Implementation of RipeMD-160

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, C.E. Goutis, A.M. Rjoub, “High-Throughput Implementation of RipeMD-160”, International Journal for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Inderscience Ltd, vol. 1, no. 3/4, pp. 309 – 316, 2009

Journal Paper A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, C.E. Goutis, A.M. Rjoub

High-Throughput Implementation of RipeMD-160

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, C.E. Goutis, A.M. Rjoub
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail, C.E. Goutis, A.M. Rjoub, “High-Throughput Implementation of RipeMD-160”, International Journal for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Inderscience Ltd, vol. 1, no. 3/4, pp. 309 – 316, 2009

01 Jun 2009

An RNS Architecture of an Fp Elliptic Curve Point Multiplier

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Fournaris, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas and T. Stouraitis, “An RNS Architecture of an Fp Elliptic Curve Point Multiplier”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol.56, no.6, pp. 1202-1213, June 2009

Journal Paper Selected D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Fournaris, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas and T. Stouraitis

An RNS Architecture of an Fp Elliptic Curve Point Multiplier

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Fournaris, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas and T. Stouraitis
Journal Paper Selected
About The Publication

D.M. Schinianakis, A.P. Fournaris, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas and T. Stouraitis, “An RNS Architecture of an Fp Elliptic Curve Point Multiplier”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol.56, no.6, pp. 1202-1213, June 2009

01 Jan 2009

Low Power Architecture with Scratch-Pad Memory for Accelerating Embedded Applications with Run Time Reuse

A. Milidonis, V. Porpodas, N. Alachiotis, A. P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos and C. E. Goutis, “Low Power Architecture with Scratch-Pad Memory for Accelerating Embedded Applications with Run Time Reuse”, IET Computers & Digital Techniques, IET, vol. 3, is. 1, pp.109-123, 2009

Journal Paper A. Milidonis, V. Porpodas, N. Alachiotis, A. P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos and C. E. Goutis

Low Power Architecture with Scratch-Pad Memory for Accelerating Embedded Applications with Run Time Reuse

A. Milidonis, V. Porpodas, N. Alachiotis, A. P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos and C. E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A. Milidonis, V. Porpodas, N. Alachiotis, A. P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, G. Panagiotakopoulos and C. E. Goutis, “Low Power Architecture with Scratch-Pad Memory for Accelerating Embedded Applications with Run Time Reuse”, IET Computers & Digital Techniques, IET, vol. 3, is. 1, pp.109-123, 2009

08 Jul 2008

Efficient High-Performance Implementation of JPEG-LS Encoder

M. Papadonikolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Efficient High-Performance Implementation of JPEG-LS Encoder”, in Journal of Real-Time Processing, Springer. vol. 3, no. 4, pp 303-310, 2008

Journal Paper M. Papadonikolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

Efficient High-Performance Implementation of JPEG-LS Encoder

M. Papadonikolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

M. Papadonikolakis, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Efficient High-Performance Implementation of JPEG-LS Encoder”, in Journal of Real-Time Processing, Springer. vol. 3, no. 4, pp 303-310, 2008

31 Mar 2008

A Top-Down Design Methodology for Ultrahigh-Performance Hashing Cores

H.E. Michail, A. P. Kakarountas, A. S. Milidonis and C. E. Goutis, “A Top-Down Design Methodology for Ultrahigh-Performance Hashing Cores”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol.6, is.4, pp.255-268, 2009

Journal Paper Selected H.E. Michail, A. P. Kakarountas, A. S. Milidonis and C. E. Goutis

A Top-Down Design Methodology for Ultrahigh-Performance Hashing Cores

H.E. Michail, A. P. Kakarountas, A. S. Milidonis and C. E. Goutis
Journal Paper Selected
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A. P. Kakarountas, A. S. Milidonis and C. E. Goutis, “A Top-Down Design Methodology for Ultrahigh-Performance Hashing Cores”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol.6, is.4, pp.255-268, 2009

06 Dec 2007

A Low Power Design for SBOX Cryptographic Primitive of Advanced Encryption Standard for Mobile End-Users

G. N. Selimis, A.P. Kakarountas, A. P. Fournaris, A. Milidonis and O.Koufopavlou, “A Low Power Design for SBOX Cryptographic Primitive of Advanced Encryption Standard for Mobile End-Users”, in Journal of Low Power Electronics, ASP, vol.3, no.3, pp. 327-336, 2007

Journal Paper G. N. Selimis, A.P. Kakarountas, A. P. Fournaris, A. Milidonis and O.Koufopavlou

A Low Power Design for SBOX Cryptographic Primitive of Advanced Encryption Standard for Mobile End-Users

G. N. Selimis, A.P. Kakarountas, A. P. Fournaris, A. Milidonis and O.Koufopavlou
Journal Paper
About The Publication

G. N. Selimis, A.P. Kakarountas, A. P. Fournaris, A. Milidonis and O.Koufopavlou, “A Low Power Design for SBOX Cryptographic Primitive of Advanced Encryption Standard for Mobile End-Users”, in Journal of Low Power Electronics, ASP, vol.3, no.3, pp. 327-336, 2007

06 Dec 2006

Power Management through Dynamic Frequency Scaling for Low and Medium bit-rate Digital Receivers

A.P. Kakarountas, N.D. Zervas, H.E. Michail, G. Theodoridis, and D. Soudris, “Power Management through Dynamic Frequency Scaling for Low and Medium bit-rate Digital Receivers”, Journal of Low Power Electronics, ASP, vol.2, no 3, pp. 356–364, 2006

Journal Paper A.P. Kakarountas, N.D. Zervas, H.E. Michail, G. Theodoridis, and D. Soudris

Power Management through Dynamic Frequency Scaling for Low and Medium bit-rate Digital Receivers

A.P. Kakarountas, N.D. Zervas, H.E. Michail, G. Theodoridis, and D. Soudris
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, N.D. Zervas, H.E. Michail, G. Theodoridis, and D. Soudris, “Power Management through Dynamic Frequency Scaling for Low and Medium bit-rate Digital Receivers”, Journal of Low Power Electronics, ASP, vol.2, no 3, pp. 356–364, 2006

01 Jul 2007

Server Side Hashing Core Exceeding 3 Gbps of Throughput

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Server Side Hashing Core Exceeding 3 Gbps of Throughput”, International Journal of Network Security (special issue), Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2/3, pp. 43–53, 2007

Journal Paper H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

Server Side Hashing Core Exceeding 3 Gbps of Throughput

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis, “Server Side Hashing Core Exceeding 3 Gbps of Throughput”, International Journal of Network Security (special issue), Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2/3, pp. 43–53, 2007

05 Jul 2006

Maximizing the hash function of authentication codes

I. Yiakoumis, M. Papadonikolakis, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis “Maximizing the hash function of authentication codes”, IEEE Potentials, vol. 25, iss. 2, pp. 9–12, 2006

Journal Paper I. Yiakoumis, M. Papadonikolakis, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis

Maximizing the hash function of authentication codes

I. Yiakoumis, M. Papadonikolakis, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

I. Yiakoumis, M. Papadonikolakis, H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, C.E. Goutis “Maximizing the hash function of authentication codes”, IEEE Potentials, vol. 25, iss. 2, pp. 9–12, 2006

20 Sep 2006

Efficient FPGA Implementation of Novel Cryptographic Hashing Core

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A.Milidonis, C.E. Goutis, “Efficient FPGA Implementation of Novel Cryptographic Hashing Core”, Computing Letters, VSP/Brill Publishing, vol. 2, num. 1-2, pp. 21-27(7), 2006

Journal Paper H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A.Milidonis, C.E. Goutis

Efficient FPGA Implementation of Novel Cryptographic Hashing Core

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A.Milidonis, C.E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

H.E. Michail, A.P. Kakarountas, A.Milidonis, C.E. Goutis, “Efficient FPGA Implementation of Novel Cryptographic Hashing Core”, Computing Letters, VSP/Brill Publishing, vol. 2, num. 1-2, pp. 21-27(7), 2006

20 Aug 2006

High-Speed FPGA Implementation of Secure Hash Algorithm for IPSec and VPN Applications

A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, A. Milidonis, G. Theodoridis, C.E Goutis, “High-Speed FPGA Implementation of Secure Hash Algorithm for IPSec and VPN Applications”, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Science + Business Media, vol. 37, pp. 179–195, 2006

Journal Paper A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, A. Milidonis, G. Theodoridis, C.E Goutis

High-Speed FPGA Implementation of Secure Hash Algorithm for IPSec and VPN Applications

A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, A. Milidonis, G. Theodoridis, C.E Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A.P. Kakarountas, H. Michail, A. Milidonis, G. Theodoridis, C.E Goutis, “High-Speed FPGA Implementation of Secure Hash Algorithm for IPSec and VPN Applications”, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Science + Business Media, vol. 37, pp. 179–195, 2006

01 Jun 2006

A Design Flow for Speeding-up DSP Applications in Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Systems

M.D. Galanis, A. Milidonis, A.P. Kakarountas, and C.E. Goutis, “A Design Flow for Speeding-up DSP Applications in Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Systems”, Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier, vol 37, pp. 554-564, 2006

Journal Paper M.D. Galanis, A. Milidonis, A.P. Kakarountas, and C.E. Goutis

A Design Flow for Speeding-up DSP Applications in Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Systems

M.D. Galanis, A. Milidonis, A.P. Kakarountas, and C.E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

M.D. Galanis, A. Milidonis, A.P. Kakarountas, and C.E. Goutis, “A Design Flow for Speeding-up DSP Applications in Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Systems”, Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier, vol 37, pp. 554-564, 2006

01 Feb 2004

Design of low-power fault-secure systems


Ph.D. of Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, Laboratory of VLSI Design

Theses A.P. Kakarountas

Design of low-power fault-secure systems

A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

In this Ph.D. dissertation, issues regarding Design for Testing (DFT) of portable safety critical applications are concerned. The international standards define as safety critical applications every application that preserves, supports or affects our day-to-day life, either it reflects to one person or the whole society. The majority of portable safety critical applications are met in the medical devices field. Examples of such devices are the pacemaker, a medicine infusion pump etc. The standards dictate that design and development of such systems must guarantee that their operation lies between strict safety margins.

The main goals of system design, targeting the medical devices market, are reliability and on time fault detection. High reliability of a system is achieved by means of material quality that preserves its behavior even under a hostile environment e.g. high radiation. A common approach, mainly due to the cost of safe materials against EMI, is the multi-channeled architecture of the system. This technique is also a primitive and efficient form of fault detection, although it introduces high requirements in integration area and high power dissipation. Other commonly followed techniques are software (benchmarks) and hardware redundancy (BIST units). However all the latter techniques present either low reliability or don’t manage to meet the time constraints imposed by the standards on fault detection.

The research activity which was developed during these years and is presented in this dissertation is targeting the on-line concurrent testing. For the needs of the research, a system design methodology was developed, covering design steps from the very first, which is specification definition up to the system level design. Every circuit which was designed is based on encoding and decoding of the information. All the techniques and encoding schemes that were used are presented, in terms of design level abstraction, and further analyzed.

In the bounds of the proposed methodology a fault model is initially introduced for the entire design flow of development and design of a safety critical system. Furthermore, a deterministic measure, which is enriched with the activity probability, is defined to facilitate evaluation of a circuit’s reliability. The FSES tool (Fault-Secure Evaluation Script) was developed for the evaluation process automation which addresses special issues of concurrent testing, while its novelty is the concern of the applications characteristics to guarantee that the circuit’s behavior and design meet the specifications. Thus, encoding scheme selection is no more an adhoc issue but is driven by experimental and precise values.

A set of parametric self checking circuit generators was developed, in terms of encoding scheme and bit-width. This type of circuit allows fault detection in near real-time. Thus, the whole spectrum of basic circuits is offered to a designer to develop the system in the first level of design, the Circuit level.

In the Register-Transfer (RT) level, every structure that can be used is presented. Design and interconnection guidelines are offered in order to preserve the system’s level of reliability. A variety of Low-Power Design techniques are evaluated and modified thus no violation of the concurrent testing constraints is observed.

Every unit that supports operation of the system at the System level is referred and mechanisms are proposed to attain and even increase system’s observability. Special mechanisms that continually monitoring system’s tasks fault-free execution are presented. In case of a fault occurrence, depending on the degree of operation affection, they produce either a sequence of warnings or a special mode of safe resetting and system restart is activated. At this level, a technique to ensure code execution consistency is proposed, so that unpredicted changes of the program’s flow to be detected.

Due to the requirement of portability, in fact extended autonomy, this dissertation concerns, wherever possible, the enrichment of the DFT method with elements of the Low-Power Design method. However, it is showed, from the very first chapter, that these methods of designing a system present a controversial nature. The techniques of both methods that meet the specifications are exhibited while design guidelines of do and don’ts are offered. Applying the presented methodology, a gain of even 40% in power dissipation was achieved for certain circuits.

Finally, the methodology was applied on the development of a prototype mobile medicine infusion pump system that infuses insulin to diabetics. A programmable microcontroller was developed, that includes a programmable shifter, a multiplier and a complete ALU. It is TI MSP code compatible, for code re-use issues. It can manage 128 Kb and 256 peripherals, while it includes a PIC. The system embeds a sophisticated PID controller, which was designed according to the proposed methodology, to drive the pumps motor and ensure normal flow of the medicine.

The prototype was integrated in Frauhoffer-Institute using the AMS 0.6 um. A yield of 90% was achieved due to the a priori correct by-construct approach that was followed. A system that embeds fault detection by means of software and hardware redundancy was used as a reference vehicle. The comparison of the two systems’s exhibited a 36% decrease of power dissipation of the prototype than the reference system. Additionally, fault coverage in the prototype exceeded 98% which is the lower bound imposed by the standards.

Concluding, this dissertation offers design solutions for portable safety critical applications considering from the very beginning the application’s requirements. Thus, a high safety level of operation is achieved in contrast to the commonly used techniques which are mainly applicable to general purpose applications. The benefits are not restricted to cost and power savings but it is mainly the safe operation of a system at every level of abstraction by default.

12 Jun 1998

Integrated System Design for the Measurement of acids of the Digestive System


Diploma Eng. Thesis from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras

Theses A.P. Kakarountas

Integrated System Design for the Measurement of acids of the Digestive System

A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

Diploma Eng. Thesis from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras

01 Dec 2011

Logic Design


e-book, ISBN: 978-960-87539-2-1, 2011

Book N. Assimakis, G. Vourvoulakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Leligkou

Logic Design

N. Assimakis, G. Vourvoulakis, A.P. Kakarountas, N. Leligkou
About The Publication

e-book, ISBN: 978-960-87539-2-1, 2011

10 Jul 2015

Logic Design


e-book, ISBN: 978-960-603-470-1, 2015

Book A.P. Kakarountas, E.-A. Leligkou, Th. Orfanoudakis

Logic Design

A.P. Kakarountas, E.-A. Leligkou, Th. Orfanoudakis
About The Publication

e-book, ISBN: 978-960-603-470-1, 2015

09 Sep 2002

Low-Power Design for Safety-Critical Applications


Chapter in “Designing CMOS Circuits for Low Power,” editors D. Soudris, C. Piguet, and C.E. Goutis, September 2002, Dordrecht/London/Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 205–234, September 2002.

Book Chapters A.P. Kakarountas, K.S. Papadomanolakis, C.E. Goutis

Low-Power Design for Safety-Critical Applications

A.P. Kakarountas, K.S. Papadomanolakis, C.E. Goutis
Book Chapters
About The Publication

Chapter in “Designing CMOS Circuits for Low Power,” editors D. Soudris, C. Piguet, and C.E. Goutis, September 2002, Dordrecht/London/Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 205–234, September 2002.

09 Jul 2008

Chapter 12 – Performance for Cryptography: hardware and software approach


Chapter 12 in “Supercomputing Research Advances”, Ed. Yongge Huang, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60456-186-9, 2008, pp. 403-418

Book Chapters A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail

Chapter 12 – Performance for Cryptography: hardware and software approach

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail
Book Chapters
About The Publication

Chapter 12 in “Supercomputing Research Advances”, Ed. Yongge Huang, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60456-186-9, 2008, pp. 403-418

19 May 2009

Chapter 9 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach


Chapter 9 - Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach, in “Cryptography Research Perspectives”, Ed. Roland E. Chen, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60456-492-1, 2009, pp. 217-232

Book Chapters A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail

Chapter 9 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail
Book Chapters
About The Publication

Chapter 9 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach, in “Cryptography Research Perspectives”, Ed. Roland E. Chen, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60456-492-1, 2009, pp. 217-232

06 Jun 2015

Business Clusters as a mean for Greek economy development: the Corallia Cluster case study


MBA thesis in “Business Management”, Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Theses A.P. Kakarountas

Business Clusters as a mean for Greek economy development: the Corallia Cluster case study

A.P. Kakarountas
About The Publication

The global financial crisis revealed the weakness of Greek entrepreneurship to counterfeit the new market conditions and competencies. The main reason lies in the small provision or complete lack of cash flows from foreign markets, and secondarily the pursuit of enterprises having as main customer the Greek State (defined both by the terms of “narrow” or “wide” State). Looking at the recent past of the Greek economy, a paradox can be further. The majority of Greek enterprises are either Small / Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises, operating however without the existence of a solid and supportive framework, which would be a national development tool in order to facilitate their establishment, their operations and their access to markets abroad. Instead, in conflict with the morphology of the Greek market, regulatory framework and reforms have been implemented in recent years only in favor of large or very large companies. The results so far are under research, as the recession of the Greek market does not highlight the domestic market as the main market to finance an enterprise and hence its sustainability.
It is, therefore, necessary to invest capital and expectations of the Greek State (but also from institutional investors) on a development model based on innovation that will give to Greek enterprises the competitive advantage over its competitors in order to become viable and profitable. This dissertation has been inspired by an earlier effort to establish an SME cluster (business cluster) to address insurmountable problems of the business environment in Greece. The solution of business clusters is emerging as the curing catalyst of business growth in a business sector or a market. Furthermore, a secondary objective of the thesis is the case study of Corallia Clusters Initiative which serves as a business cluster facilitator and has been the development model of business clusters throughout Greece.
The aim of the thesis is not only to capture the benefits of a business cluster, as reported in the academic literature and general financial and national reports, but also the assessment of the actual benefits for Greek enterprises involved in business clusters, especially in the case of Corallia Cluster. The goal is to contribute with this thesis, with a negligible but realistic portion to the national solution for strengthening the Greek economy through the development of numerous startups and spinoffs (as SMEs) that will tap the high level of expertise found to graduates of Greek universities, which collaterally limit the brain leakage abroad, and will strengthen the export-import balance in favor of Greece.

05 Dec 2007

Chapter 5 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach


Chapter 5 - Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach, in “Computer Security: Intrusion, Detection, and Prevention”, Eds. Ronald D. Hopkins and Wesley P. Tokere, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ebook, ISBN: 978-1-60876-657-4, Q2 2009, pp. 91-106

Book Chapters A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail

Chapter 5 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail
Book Chapters
About The Publication

Chapter 5 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach, in “Computer Security: Intrusion, Detection, and Prevention”, Eds. Ronald D. Hopkins and Wesley P. Tokere, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ebook, ISBN: 978-1-60876-657-4, Q2 2009, pp. 91-106

04 Dec 2009

Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach


Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach, in “Cryptography Research Perspectives”, Ed. Roland E. Chen, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ebook, ISBN: 978-1-60876-823-3, 2009, pp. 217-232

Book Chapters A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail,

Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail,
Book Chapters
About The Publication

Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach, in “Cryptography Research Perspectives”, Ed. Roland E. Chen, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ebook, ISBN: 978-1-60876-823-3, 2009, pp. 217-232

30 Jul 2011

Chapter 5 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach


Chapter 5 - Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach, in “Computer Security: Intrusion, Detection, and Prevention”, Eds. Ronald D. Hopkins and Wesley P. Tokere, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ebook, ISBN: 978-1-60692-781-6, Q1 2011, pp. 91-106

Book Chapters A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail,

Chapter 5 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach

A.P. Kakarountas, H.E. Michail,
Book Chapters
About The Publication

Chapter 5 – Performance for Cryptography: a hardware approach, in “Computer Security: Intrusion, Detection, and Prevention”, Eds. Ronald D. Hopkins and Wesley P. Tokere, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ebook, ISBN: 978-1-60692-781-6, Q1 2011, pp. 91-106

20 Feb 2003

A Methodology for Calculating the Undetectable Double-Faults in Self-Checking Circuits


S. Nikolaidis, E. Karaolis, A. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis and C.E. Goutis, “A Methodology for Calculating the Undetectable Double-Faults in Self-Checking Circuits”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 75-91, February 2003

Journal Paper S. Nikolaidis, E. Karaolis, A. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis and C.E. Goutis

A Methodology for Calculating the Undetectable Double-Faults in Self-Checking Circuits

S. Nikolaidis, E. Karaolis, A. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis and C.E. Goutis
Journal Paper
About The Publication

S. Nikolaidis, E. Karaolis, A. Kakarountas, K. Papadomanolakis and C.E. Goutis, “A Methodology for Calculating the Undetectable Double-Faults in Self-Checking Circuits”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 75-91, February 2003

01 Jun 2004

A Framework for Data Partitioning for C++ Data-Intensive Applications


A. Milidonis, G. Dimitroulakos, M. D. Galanis, A. P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, C.Goutis, and F.Catthoor, “A Framework for Data Partitioning for C++ Data-Intensive Applications”, Journal of Design Automation for Embedded Systems, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 101-121, June. 2004

Journal Paper A. Milidonis, G. Dimitroulakos, M. D. Galanis, A. P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, C.Goutis, and F.Catthoor,

A Framework for Data Partitioning for C++ Data-Intensive Applications

A. Milidonis, G. Dimitroulakos, M. D. Galanis, A. P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, C.Goutis, and F.Catthoor,
Journal Paper
About The Publication

A. Milidonis, G. Dimitroulakos, M. D. Galanis, A. P. Kakarountas, G. Theodoridis, C.Goutis, and F.Catthoor, “A Framework for Data Partitioning for C++ Data-Intensive Applications”, Journal of Design Automation for Embedded Systems, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 101-121, June. 2004




Intelligent Systems Laboratory

Research Laboratory


Creative Team


Research Team


Smart Delivery

Urban and Rural Delivery of goods

National project, funded € 320.000 from a total of € 1.000.000. Role Team Leader, Institutional representative and Researcher,

Research on IoT Security based on Bio-informatics


International grant by Nokia Corporation (Bell Labs), € 30.000.

Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring


ICT COST Action IC1402, as Greece delegate member in Management Committee

Regions 4 Green Growth

Regional policy instruments and approaches for improving access to finance and speeding up investments in sustainable energy

INTERREG IVC, as researcher for developing the Regional Action and Implementation Plan)


Infrastructure of a massive parallel computation node



  • NOW



    Holding the position for "Computer Architecture", appointed with the decision FEK 168/is. C’/26-02-2016. Teaching the following courses:

    Courses in Master programs:
  • NOW



    Courses in Master programs:
    • Advanced topics on Computer Architecture and Systems
    • Sensor networks and Automated Control Systems
  • NOW



    • Digital Systems
    • Practice (Thesis)
  • 2016



    Holding the position for "Embedded Computing Systems Architectures", appointed with the decision FEK 1123/is. C’/22-12-2011. Taught the following courses:
    • Logic Design
    • Computer Architecture
    • Embedded Systems
    • Electronics II
    • Information Systems' Security
    • Internet Technology
    • Introduction to Informatics
    • Algorithm design tegniques and analysis
    • Software technology
    • Teaching methods in Informatics
    • Structural programming
  • 2016



    Computer Architecture
  • 2012



    Computer Architecture
  • 2007



    Microprocessors (lab)
  • 2006



    Digital Systems (lab) (PLI21-LAB)
  • 2009



    Computer Science Practice (Thesis) (PLI40)
  • 2016



    Digital Systems (PLI21)
  • 2014



    Digital Systems (PLI21)
  • 2016



    Master Thesis in Information Systems (PLSDE)
  • 2007



    • Computer Architecture
    • Microprocessors
    • Medical Electronics
  • 2015



    Master courses
    Lectures in "Design Environments and Methodologies for Hardware/Software Systems"
  • NOW



    Currently supervising 15 degree thesis, 7 master thesis, and 5 Ph.D. In the past, more than 40 degree thesis have been supervised
  • NOW



    Courses in Master programs:
    • Advanced topics on Computer Architecture and Systems
    • Sensor networks and Automated Control Systems
  • NOW



    • Digital Systems
    • Practice (Thesis)


Drop me a line


Feel free to contact me. I am at your disposal as far as it concerns my professional interests. Students should avoid contacting me through this form, instead prefer the one found at the eclass service of the department.

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